Wednesday, September 11, 2013

A time to remember

Today is 9/11 and I can't help but post some thoughts about that dreaded day.  Watching the news and hearing all the names of those who courageously fought terrorist on Flight 93, bravely went into the fire to rescue those trapped in the Towers, and how at one time the entire country was unified and caring for one another brings tears to my eyes.
  FDNY Firefighter Mike Bellantoni of New York prepares a memento at the Firefighter's Memorial adjacent to the World Trade Center Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2013 before the start of the official ceremonies at the 9/11 Memorial nearby. (AP Photo/Craig Ruttle)                
I clearly remember what I was doing and where I was when the first tower was hit.  I'm sure many of you do.  It was a normal day.  I was getting ready for work and had the TV on in the back ground.  I remember hearing the sound of breaking news and figured it was a car chase or something, but none the less it caught my attention and I looked over at the TV.  I saw the first tower right after it was hit and was stunned.  I dropped everything and ran over to the TV.  I absolutely could not believe what I was seeing!  I sat down in front of the TV and did not move for most of the day.  I started crying when the other tower was hit and I instantly became afraid because it was understood at that point that this was NOT an accident and the US was under attack.  Everything seemed to be falling apart and all I wanted was my family close.  My brother was in Waco at college, my Dad was at work and my Mom was home.  I instantly tried to get a hold of everyone to make sure they were safe.  I called into work (I was a private investigator at the time) and asked them if I needed to come in, and at the time there was a bomb threat at the building, so they told me to stay home until it was lifted.  EVERYTHING was falling apart.

I ended up going into work, once the bomb threat was lifted, because I felt like I needed to do something.  I didn't know what that was, but I wanted to help in some way and sitting at home was driving me crazy!  I'm sure many of you felt the same way.  When chaos is happening, what is your natural response?  Do you crawl in a ball and hide away or do you keep busy?  For me, I keep busy!!  Although, we ended up staying glued to the internet at work regardless.

What stuck with me the most was the brave people on Flight 93.  They are true heroes!!!
I think about how I would respond if something like that happened to me.  I hope I would be as self-sacrificing as they all were; knowing that my action would inevitably lead to death and separation from my family.  I couldn't imagine what those phone calls placed from the plane to their homes were like.  I wouldn't even know what to say to my husband if I had to call with that kind of news.  It's just heartbreaking!  It makes me hug my family a little tighter on this day and also be thankful for those that risked their lives for the lives of those they did not know.  I would like to say that I would be that brave in the same situation.

Lets all take this day and love our families a little longer, be kind to strangers, help others out, and remember the day that brave and courageous men and women of our amazing United States gave their lives to protect us.  My thoughts and prayers go out to the families who lost someone on this day 12 years ago.

Take a minute and watch this video:

x.o. Sara

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