Thursday, November 7, 2013

On the day you were born

I can’t even express the joy you have brought me
My life and world are forever changed
Your dad and I are so in love and blessed to have you
Thank you for being the wonderful girl that you are and will be in years to come
Happy 1st birthday sweet baby girl

Let me tell you about the special day that you joined our lives:

At 3:30am on November 7 your dad and I got a call from the Women’s Hospital saying they were ready for us.  November 7th was your due date and since you didn't come on your own, we needed to help you out.  It was a very early morning for us and I was very excited for you to come into the world, but I was also very scared because I didn't know what kind of mother I was going to turn out to be.  Your dad and I got up and gathered all our things to head to the hospital.  We were very quiet on the drive to the hospital, and I remember your dad saying a prayer for you and for a safe arrival into this world.                                     

When we got there I was checked in and all prepped and ready for the process of labor to start so we could meet you.  At 8:00am the medicine to start the contractions was given and my water was broken.  The process to meet you was well on its way!  There was no stopping you from coming after that.  Grandma, Papa, Nana, and Aunt MaryClaire were all in the waiting room waiting for you to come also.  Everyone was excited to meet you. 

Around 1:00pm it was getting a little painful, and when the doctor checked to see if you were ready to come out, you were almost here!  We were so excited.  The doctors checked your progress again around 3:00pm and it was time to push.  You were ready, Baby!  You were such a good girl, even from the beginning, you didn't hurt mommy much at all and were here with only a few pushes!

At 3:44pm you came into this world!  YOU WERE PERFECT!!  So beautiful and alert….you were a amazing gift from God!!
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Your dad and I held you for an hour before we let any of the family come and see you…we wanted to have that special time with you before everyone else showered you with loves and kisses!  You were and ARE such a blessing to me daily and have changed my whole life since that day.  We had a few rough patches since the wonderful day that you joined us, but I would never take one second back.  Thank you, sweet girl, for being the joy of my life.  I cannot WAIT for many many more birthdays that we can celebrate together!!  This is your perfect day….I love you more than words can describe. 


Watching you grow over this year has been amazing!
Happy Birthday my sweet little bug!!  XOXO
x.o. Sara

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