Friday, October 18, 2013

Exposing myself

Today I am feeling compelled to open myself up, be and open book, and share some things that you may not know about me.  A few insights into the life of Sara.  What deep dark secrets can I reveal to you??  Hmm...lets see...

1.  I am in love with Christmas music!  Most people know that about me, but what you might not know is that I listen to it all year round AND 5 out of the 7 CD's in my car CD changer are Christmas CD's.  Also, when it rains, or even looks overcast, I turn on Christmas music because it reminds me of winter days in Chicago.  I turn the air conditioning on high and pretend that it is cold outside.  My favorite song is All Be Home For Christmas

2.  I am OCD when it comes to junk in the house.  My house might not look like I am OCD, but if you ask my husband what I do once I come home from work he would answer that I start cleaning up before I even kiss him Hello.  It's a bad trait, but I can't seem to see anything else BUT the mess in the house when I get home and it drives me insane!  There are some areas of the house, like the garage, that are my husband's zone that I can't even look into because I will freak out.

3.  I've written a book, a young adult novel, that I think is pretty awesome if I do say so myself!!  My friend Kristi and I wrote the book together and hope one day to have it published.  As a reading teacher I have shamelessly read bits and pieces of our book to my intermediate school students and have seen a pretty good response, so at least I know that we wrote to the correct age group.  If anyone who reads this is a publisher.....hit me up!!  I would love for you to read it!!  

4.  I tried out for American Idol the second season that it aired.  What many people don't know about American Idol is that the really really bad singers are passed through the many steps it takes to get to the judges just for good TV, which I think is so horrible!!  There are actually many steps of YES and No before you get to the judges.  I made it through the first two steps and then was told no.  Glad I was able to try out, had a good time, but I am no longer am a fan of the show.  It's a popularity contest, and any show that passes people along just to make fun of them is no show I want to be associated with!  The Voice is the way to go and may be something I try out for in the future! 

5.  I'm a dreamer.  Well, I am a dreamer, but I'm also a "Make it Happen" kinda person too.  I have many many ideas and Bucket List dreams of things I want to do and I won't let anyone tell me that I can't do something....hence the many jobs I have held.  If you don't know my history, check out my first blog post.  Now that I have a family I have to be more cautious because I do have to bring some money in, but I want to try everything life has to offer....if I want to be an author - I will try, if I want to be an artist - I will try....I never want to look back and think WHAT IF!!  However, I do contradict myself because I am also a HUGE planner and NOT spontaneous.  But all that means is I am ready and have planned it all out to do and be whatever I want!!!  

Ok...well that's 5 little insights on this Friday into my life.  A few interesting facts that you might enjoy about me.  I hope everyone takes some time to listen to a Christmas tune during this rainy weekend, tries something new they have been thinking about and never let someone stop them from being a dreamer.  Dream away my friends....goodness knows I won't stop.  The Bucket List keeps growing!!

x.o. Sara         

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