Wednesday, September 18, 2013

My life as a musical

If you have read my bio you know that I tried to make it as a famous singer in Nashville at one point.  I have loved music my whole life.  Started out playing piano, then cello, then flute....realizing with each instrument that I hated practicing and I was not getting any better.  I used to fight for last chair in band....not much was expected of you there.  I then discovered that I could sing, and pretty good, with minimal practicing.  So....choir is where I planted myself.  And I loved it!

When I went to college I joined a band and performed many different places.  Music filled my life.  I would walk to classes with ear buds in my ears, listening to the latest pop artist all the way there, most likely singing aloud as I walked.  I didn't care.  I wanted my life to be a musical where you could just bust out in song the moment you were sad, happy, on your way to a game, with friends....anytime!!  I still think there are times I should have theme music...just sayin!!

Anyway, as I have "matured," music has taken on a new form in my life.  I am still surrounded by it throughout the day, and still perform in front of people, but not only is music inspirational to me, it's Spiritual.  God uses music to speak to me SO many times.  I am floored with all the times I am driving in the car, struggling with something, turn on the radio and the song playing is saying EXACTLY the words I need to hear.
                                   God is so cool that way!!

Specifically in my life now, like I discussed in my bio, my husband and I are waiting on God to show us the right job for him in order for me to stay at home with our daughter.  We have been on a roller coaster ride for 6+ months now.  We get excited about one job and then disappointed, and then excited about another job and then disappointed.  We KNOW God has a bigger that we can not see yet, but waiting is not a skill my husband and I have!!

So, AGAIN, God spoke to me through song.  I sing for my church on most Sunday's and this Sunday the song I am singing is Healer by Kari Jobe.  It's a powerful song!!  But what I know God is telling me through this song is what is said in the bridge.
"Nothing is impossible for you,
Nothing is impossible.
Nothing is impossible for you,
You hold my world in Your hands."

I had to giggle last night at practice because we kept going over that part....I mean, kept going over and over that part.  I had to sing it like a million times, okay not that many, but I'm sure God was like...."Sara, get the hint!"

So after my "DUH" moment, and no matter how many of those I have this year, God is sovereign!!  Thank goodness, right??  NOTHING is impossible for Him....which is SO hard to wrap my mind around!!  But as I talked about before, we TOGETHER are going to witness God's AMAZING power.  I WILL be home next year with my daughter because I believe that is what God has called me to do, which means my husband WILL have a job that allows me to do so.  I will not let negative nay-sayers diminish God's power.  It may seem like an impossible task, but I CHOOSE to believe!!  So, just as the song says.....

                                           I BELIEVE!!!!
x.o. Sara

Monday, September 16, 2013

Private Investigating 101

So probably one of the most exciting jobs I have ever had is being a Private Investigator.  Once I graduated from college I wanted to go into the FBI, but they do not consider you until you are 25, so I had to fill the time.  I thought being a private investigator was a skill that would be helpful as a FBI agent, so I applied for a job and got one.  I worked on the west side of Houston for an agency and was trained to be as sly and sneaky as possible.  So here is the TOP 10 Do's and Don'ts of being a PI.  Kids...don't try this at home!! 

10.  When following someone in your car, especially at night, make sure that you periodically turn on your floodlights, so if the person you are following is paranoid and looking in their rear view mirror, you look like a different car and they don't catch on that they are being followed.

9.  Typically by the time someone is desperate enough to hire an investigator they have had ALL their friends and family follow the person of interest, which makes it very difficult for the investigator to properly gather information.  Therefore creativity comes into play.  Always be on your toes and ready to switch plans at the drop of a hat!  Be prepared with information on where the person of interest visits and hangs out in case they try and give you the slip!

8.  Investigating is very much like acting.  Taking on different characters is the name of the game.  One minute I am a business woman on vacation hanging at the bar, and the next I am a college student who is laying out by the pool at a apartment complex.  I can be whatever I need to be to gain access to the person of interest (and believe me, I have been many characters).
7.  If you are doing an all night surveillance, which is what A LOT of what private investigating is, make sure you bring things to entertain yourself.  You WILL be sitting in your car all night, with it NOT running (because who sits in a car with it running all night and doesn't get the cops call on them?).  Now-a-days you can be entertained with iPhone's and other devises.  Not to date myself, but all I had was a flip phone and NO internet capabilities.  It would be much easier to stay awake all night now searching Pinterest and Facebook!!!

6.  Now the company you work for should do this for you, but make sure that the cops are informed that you will be sitting in a specific car on a specific street all night and not to come arrest you.  You would be surprised how many nosy neighbors are just itching to call the police on unidentified cars in their neighborhood!  Hats off to the neighborhood watch, but MAN, you just blew my investigation!!

5. DO NOT inform the client that you are currently witnessing their spouse, or whomever, cheating and tell them where you are!!!  This is actually a very serious point.  In this line of work you will be witnessing cheating, lying, and unfaithful spouses, and if you inform the client what is going on and where...when it is happening, rage takes over and people get hurt.  People have died because investigators told information to clients at the WRONG time.  Document, video tape, and go home!!!  Meet with the client at the office on another day!  OK, I'm off my soap box!
4.  Be prepared not to have many close friends.  As an investigator you have to be prepared for people to always think you are investigating someone.  When I started as an investigator I was new to Houston, and as I was meeting new people, conversation of what I did for a living came up.  Needless to say, people were drawn to the idea of someone being a PI, but everyone's guilty conscience also came into play.  People...I'm not following you!!

3.  When installing surveillance cameras inside someones house, make sure you point the camera in the hallway TO the bedroom....not IN the bedroom.  No one wants to see that!!!  You can get the hint of what is happening in the bedroom if you see the person of interest AND someone else head down the hallway to the bedroom.  He's not giving a tour of the house!

2.  FOLLOW THAT CAR!!!  An exciting perk, at least to me, in private investigating is when you get a case where you are following someone on a business trip.  To actually be able to say, "follow that car" once you leave the airport is awesome!!  I really felt like James Bond...although he wasn't a private investigator.

1.  Write that down for me, please!!  Probably one of the coolest skills I learned from being a PI was being able to decipher if someone is lying based on their written statement.  I was trained to read witness statements, and based on how they wrote their letters and arranged their words, I could tell if they were lying or not.  Its not the most useful skill in the real world because people don't write on paper anymore...its all emails and texts.  Technology!
Well there you have it.  A few tid-bits on being a PI.  I have gained many skills from this career choice, but also went through some scary moments.  I have many more stories that I plan to share in other posts, but until faithful, love your spouse and always be honest.  Who knows....someone could be watching you now....  :)

x.o. Sara

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

A time to remember

Today is 9/11 and I can't help but post some thoughts about that dreaded day.  Watching the news and hearing all the names of those who courageously fought terrorist on Flight 93, bravely went into the fire to rescue those trapped in the Towers, and how at one time the entire country was unified and caring for one another brings tears to my eyes.
  FDNY Firefighter Mike Bellantoni of New York prepares a memento at the Firefighter's Memorial adjacent to the World Trade Center Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2013 before the start of the official ceremonies at the 9/11 Memorial nearby. (AP Photo/Craig Ruttle)                
I clearly remember what I was doing and where I was when the first tower was hit.  I'm sure many of you do.  It was a normal day.  I was getting ready for work and had the TV on in the back ground.  I remember hearing the sound of breaking news and figured it was a car chase or something, but none the less it caught my attention and I looked over at the TV.  I saw the first tower right after it was hit and was stunned.  I dropped everything and ran over to the TV.  I absolutely could not believe what I was seeing!  I sat down in front of the TV and did not move for most of the day.  I started crying when the other tower was hit and I instantly became afraid because it was understood at that point that this was NOT an accident and the US was under attack.  Everything seemed to be falling apart and all I wanted was my family close.  My brother was in Waco at college, my Dad was at work and my Mom was home.  I instantly tried to get a hold of everyone to make sure they were safe.  I called into work (I was a private investigator at the time) and asked them if I needed to come in, and at the time there was a bomb threat at the building, so they told me to stay home until it was lifted.  EVERYTHING was falling apart.

I ended up going into work, once the bomb threat was lifted, because I felt like I needed to do something.  I didn't know what that was, but I wanted to help in some way and sitting at home was driving me crazy!  I'm sure many of you felt the same way.  When chaos is happening, what is your natural response?  Do you crawl in a ball and hide away or do you keep busy?  For me, I keep busy!!  Although, we ended up staying glued to the internet at work regardless.

What stuck with me the most was the brave people on Flight 93.  They are true heroes!!!
I think about how I would respond if something like that happened to me.  I hope I would be as self-sacrificing as they all were; knowing that my action would inevitably lead to death and separation from my family.  I couldn't imagine what those phone calls placed from the plane to their homes were like.  I wouldn't even know what to say to my husband if I had to call with that kind of news.  It's just heartbreaking!  It makes me hug my family a little tighter on this day and also be thankful for those that risked their lives for the lives of those they did not know.  I would like to say that I would be that brave in the same situation.

Lets all take this day and love our families a little longer, be kind to strangers, help others out, and remember the day that brave and courageous men and women of our amazing United States gave their lives to protect us.  My thoughts and prayers go out to the families who lost someone on this day 12 years ago.

Take a minute and watch this video:

x.o. Sara

Monday, September 9, 2013

A little about me...

Hello all and welcome to my new blog!!  I am so excited to start blogging and sharing with you all the crazy adventures of my life.  I want to start by sharing some information about me with you.  I have had quiet the adventure of a life up to this point, which I will go into more detail in future posts, but for now I will just give you a small taste.

I was born in Chicago and love everything about the cold and snow.  I ice skated somewhat professionally for 14 years and have many scares and injuries to prove it.  I moved to Texas my junior year in high school, which let me tell you is a difficult thing for a teen, but made good connections at my church which most likely saved me.  I got my Bachelors from Baylor University (Sic Em Bears) in Religion, but had no intent on going into ministry.  My thinking in school is, "Well, I have been in church my whole life and have studied the hard could it be?"  IT WAS HARD!  I took Hebrew, Aramaic at the Graduate level and many other religious classes that questioned everything I have ever learned.  But I graduated in 4 years and left with many interesting bits of information under my belt....and yes, knowledge of dead languages to never use again.  :)

Right out of college I got a job as a Private Investigator.  UMM..WHAT?  Yea, I was a PI!  Hence the PI in my blog name.  I will go more into my adventures as a PI later, but there was a reason I became an investigator and also why I quit being one.  I then got a job as a inner city youth worker working with at-risk youth in the 3rd ward of Houston.  I developed programs that helped kids stay off the streets at night and put the Word of God in their hands.  It was great!  While I was there, I recorded a CD in my bosses recording studio and sent it off to labels in LA and Nashville.  Yea, I also sing.  I was in a Christian band all throughout high school and college.  I even sang on KSBJ...for those Houstonians who listen to Christian radio. Anyway, I got to go to LA for an opportunity to sing in front of big name labels, and I also had a independent label in Nashville very interested in recording me.  So, my Dad and I went to Nashville and met with the label and I decided to move to Nashville and give it a shot.  There are many stories about my time in Nashville that I will also post about later, but for now I must move on.  I worked at TGI Fridays and the YMCA in Nashville and sang anywhere I could at night.  I did not become famous, but while I was in Nashville I developed a relationship with a long time friend who was currently stationed in San Diego as a Marine.  We had a long distance relationship for a year, which was not easy, but well worth it.  After about 2 years in Nashville, I came to the conclusion that (1) I was not famous and (2) what I was doing in Nashville I could do back in Houston.  My Marine was also finishing up his time in San Diego and was moving back to the timing seemed perfect.  We both moved back to Houston and got engaged a month later.  I started working for the YMCA of Houston and ran a Women's Only gym for awhile.  Then I got a job managing my favorite day spa in Clear Lake, Beyond Beaute!  I worked there while I was getting certified as a teacher, AND while I was planning my wedding....many stress relieving packages were bought and needed during this time!!  Perfect place to be, let me tell you!!  We got married, I got a job as a teacher in special ed, we bought a house, got a dog, I did school online and got my Masters in Special Ed with an emphasis in Deaf Ed, and we were living happily ever after.  Or so I thought....

10 months ago I discovered TRUE happiness!!  Not that being married to my Marine doesn't make me does, but I never before felt this kind of love AND terror all at once.  I became a MOM!!  My little bug is the cutest girl ever and she is BY FAR the best thing I have EVER done!  
Although my life has been filled with many amazing adventures, being a mom is the only thing I desire to do now.  This year my Marine and I are trying to figure out a way for me to become a stay-at-home mom.  I am still a teacher currently, but being away from my bug all day is heart breaking.  If you stick with me and my blog, you will hopefully see, along with me and my family, the journey God is going to take us on in order to fulfill our dream.  I know without a doubt that God has placed this on my heart, it's just a matter of seeing how He is going to make it all come to fruition.  I hope that as I blog and share my life with you that you are encouraged and excited to see God work in my life and in yours.

Thank you for spending a little time with me and allowing me to open up and show my heart and past adventures.  I will be walking this life with you, as bumpy as it may get, through sad times, happy times, LOTS of funny times and at the end of this year I pray that life looks a lot different.

x.o. Sara